Itonian built 1914 Cochrane & Sons Selby for the Great Central Co-op Engineering Co Grimsby
01/1916 Requisitioned as a mine sweeper
1919 Returned
04/1918 Acquired by J. Smethurst Grimsby
04/1919 Bought by the Penguin Steam Fishing Grimsby
10/1924 Acquired by Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co Grimsby
09/1927 Registered to Consolidated Fisheries Ltd Grimsby
09/1933 Bought by M. Olesen
04/1935 Bought by Consolidated Fisheries Ltd Grimsby
1949 vessel owned by William Stevenson of 231 Clifton Drive South St Anne’s on Sea Lancs

Her Details are
- Official Number 136015
- Yard Number 619
- Call Sign JLQB
- Admiralty Number FY 1980
- Armament 1-6pdr AA 1-7.5in Bomb Thrower
- GT 288 NT 156
- Quarter deck 75 Foc’sle 22
- Dimensions 137 x 23 x 12.2