Italia Caesar Built 1937 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for the Earl Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
1938 Sold to Jutland Amalgamated Trawlers Ltd Hull renamed Lady Elsa registered as H 532
03/08/1939 Requisitioned as an anti-submarine trawler
10/1942 Returned to commercial fishing
01/1946 Sold back to Jutland Amalgamated Trawlers Ltd Hull registered as H 286
02/11/1950 Bought by the Associated Fishing Trawling Co Ltd Hull renamed Lord Tay
26/06/1953 To Lord Line Ltd Hull

Her Details are
- Official Number 164428
- Yard Number 625
- Admiralty Number FY 124
- GT 518 NT 283
- Dimensions 173 x 28.6 x 14.6
- Quarter deck 89 Foc’sle 37
- Engines Amos & Smith 135 NHP 12.8 knots
Arrived at Grays Essex 20/11/1964 for breaking up