Grecian built 13/02/1896 Cook Welton & Gemmell for Thomas Robinson of Grimsby
07/12/1915 She was sold to Charles Dobson Grimsby
11/10/1916 She went to Thomas Whitehead Scarborough
20/04/1917 She was captured by U boat and sunk by time bombs North East of Longstone Light vessel

Her Details are
- Official Number 105540
- Yard Number 153
- Admiralty number 1208
- Armament 1-3pdr
- 119 GT 38 NT
- Quarter deck 18
- Dimensions 88.5 x 20.1 x 10.7
- Engines by Earles 45NHP 10 Knots
Captured and sunk by time bombs by U-boat NE of Longstone Light Vessel 20/04/1917