Grand Fleet Built 1918 Cochrane & Sons Selby for the Admiralty as Mersey Class James McDonald
1919 Requisitioned
1919 Sold to Jutland Steam Trawling Co Hull H 80
20/10/1920 Renamed Grand Fleet
29/05/1920 Sold to Jutland Amalgamated Trawlers
30/03/1929 Went to Crampin Steam Fishing Co Grimsby GY 44
Fitted with Lining to Pursue the Greenland Halibut Fishery
03/1930 Sold to C R Mauritzen Newbridge Mid Lothian
28/04/1938 Transffered to a Danish Flag
04/1938 Sold to owners in Denmark
21/10/1938 Registered at Leith LH 216
08/09/1939 Registered at Fleetwood FD 50
17/09/1939 Sold to Boston Deep Sea Fishing Co
08/1939 Requisitioned and converted into an Armed Trawler
09/12/1939 Sailed Hull for Icelandic Grounds Crew of 18 Outward in Convoy
28/12/1939 Homeward Bound to Hull about 2.10am when 35 miles NW of the Butt of Lewis she was shelled by U 30 Abandoned vessel but 1 man left behind George E Clark
at About 4.00am Trawler was sunk by gunfire, after 14 hours in a boat 16 survivors were picked up by HMS ISIS D87
Survivors landed at North Scottish port
U 30 actually stopped the Swedish Steamer Hispania and asked them to pick up the survivors

Her Details are
- Official Number 139350
- Yard Number 887
- Admiralty 4244
- Armaments 1 12pdr
- GT 324 NT 148
- Dimensions 138.3 x 23.7 x 12.7
- Quarter deck 78 Foc’sle 19
- Engines C D Holmes 600ihp 11.0 Knots
13/01/1940vessel Sunk by Enemy Action