Fittonia built 20/09/1891 by Cochranes Cooper & Schofield Beverley for North Eastern Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
7 Crewmen Lost
2 crew were saved, Barnard, trimmer and Ollson, deck hand

Surname | Forenames | Age at Death | Date of Death | Rank | Boat |
WILTON | J | 60 | 02/09/1914 | First Engineer | Fittonia |
HAMMERTON | M | 47 | 02/09/1914 | Second Engineer | Fittonia |
DOWLER | JOHN FREDERICK | 31 | 02/09/1914 | Cook | Fittonia |
MAGNUSSON | H | Unknown | 02/09/1914 | Deck Hand | Fittonia |
CONDER | HARRY | 48 | 02/09/1914 | Skipper | Fittonia |
HILL | WILLIAM | Unknown | 02/09/1914 | Third Hand | Fittonia |
GUDEGON | W | Unknown | 02/09/1914 | Second Hand | Fittonia |

Her Details are
- Official Number 99186
- Yard Number 49
- GT 146 NT 70
- Dimensions 97.2 x 20.6 x 11.0
- Quarter Deck 17 Foc’sle 17
- Engines by C D Holmes 45 NHP 3 Cyl 10 knots
02/09/1914 Mined North Sea 27 miles E by S of Spurn Point