Emu built 11/1895 by Cochrane & Cooper of Beverly for T. Baskcomb Grimsby
11/1895 owned by T Bascomb & HL Taylor
1904 Sold to H L Taylor
29/05/1917 Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve
1919 Released
06/1920 owned by Taylor Steam Fishing Co
04/1930 Sold to W Wilcox Milford Haven M 83
15/01/1937 Laid up at Milford

Her Details are
- Official Number 105534
- Yard Number 138
- GT 154 NT 63
- Dimensions 102.7 x 20.5 x 11
- Quarter Deck 17′ Foc’sle 19′
- Engines C D Holmes 35 rhp 3 cyl 9.5 Knots
Scrapped 15/04/1937