Egret Built 1899 Cochrane & Cooper Beverley for T. Baskcomb Grimsby
11/1914 To M. A. Baskcomb Grimsby
11/1915 To T. Baskcomb Ltd Grimsby
1917 Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve commissioned and flew white ensign continued commercial fishing under naval control
1919 Released back to owners
07/1933 Bought by the Amalgamated Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
02/1935 To M. A. Baskcomb Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 110864
- Yard Number 208
- GT 224 NT 91
- Dimensions 123 x 21 x 11.6
- Quarter deck 46 Foc’sle 20
- Engines C D Holmes 60rhp 3 cyl
Scrapped in 12/1935