Douro 1897 was bulit by Cook Welton & Gemmell for Ocean Steam Trawling Co Grimsby
1917 Requisitioned by the Royal Navy as a Fishery Reserve
1919 Returned to owners
09/04/1919 Sold to Fred Bacon Grimsby
06/06/1919 Sold to Economy Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
05/03/1920 Sold to Harold Bacon Grimsby
26/03/1920 Sold to Trawlers White Sea & Grimsby Ltd Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 108465
- Yard Number 180
- GT 150 NT 63
- Dimensions 96.0 x 20.5
- Quarter Deck 23 Foc’sle 18
- Engines by Earle’s 45 NHP 10 Knots
04/06/1937 Registration Closed on advice that the vessel was broken up at Bo’Ness Scotland