Donalda built 1914 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Alec Black Grimsby
1915 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
06/01/1916 Sold to Alfred M Baxter Grimsby
25/01/1918 Bought by William Hill Grimsby
12/04/1918 Sold to the Victoria Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
1919 Returned to commercial fishing
19/12/1929 Sold to the Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
24/12/1941 Bought by the Active Fishing Co Fleetwood
08/07/1942 Bought by Hudson Bros Trawlers Ltd Hull as H 12
1945 Sold to Grimsby Motor Trawlers Ltd Grimsby as GY 78
30/07/1949 Bought by Trawlers Grimsby Ltd Grimsby
10/04/1953 Bought by Derwent Trawlers Ltd Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 136011
- Yard Number 301
- Admiralty Number FY 1760
- Armament 1-6pdr
- GT 226 NT 113
- Quarter Deck 61
- Dimensions 117 x 22 x 12.7
- Engines Amos & Smith 68 NHP 10½ knots
Arrived at Gateshead on the 31/01/1957 for scrapping