Carieda Built 1913 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Pelham Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
04/1915 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
24/09/1915 Sold to the Rushworth Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
22/03/1918 Bought by the Yarborough Steam Fishing Co Ltd Hull
1919 Returned to commercial fishing
25/07/1924 Sold to Harold Bacon Grimsby
05/09/1930 Bought by the Kottingham Trawling Co Grimsby
18/04/1940 Requisitioned as a balloon barrage vessel
24/04/1940 Returned to owners
03/01/1944 Bought by the Parkholme Trawling Co Grimsby
30/07/1949 Sold to Trawlers Grimsby Ltd Grimsby
10/04/1953 Sold to Derwent Trawlers Ltd Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 135968
- Yard Number 275
- Admiralty Number 1751
- Armament 1-12pdr
- GT 225 NT 112
- Quarter Deck 61 Foc’sle 16
- Dimensions 117 x 22 x 12.7
- Engines Charles D. Holmes 66 NHP 10 knots
Arrived at Hendrik-Ido-Ambracht on the 24/07/1958 for breaking up