Bull Dog built 26/03/1892 Cook Welton & Gemmell for Humber Steam Trawling Co Hull H 192
30/07/1915 Sold to Walter H Beeley of Grimsby and Registered GY 576
1917 Requisitioned by the Royal Navy as a fishing Trawler for the Fishery Reserve
01/1918 Bought by N. Ashworth Fleetwood and registered as FD 328
1919 Returned to owners
1924 Sold to Shipbreakers and Broken up

Her Details are
- Official Number 99562
- Yard number 82
- GT 148 NT 57
- Quarter Deck 18 Foc’sle 18
- Dimensions 100.4 x 20.7 x 10.6
- Engines by Bailey & Leetham 45 NHP 10 Knots
Scrapped 1924