Built J Duthie 11/1900 for Grampian Steam Fishing Co Aberdeen A 599
1902 owned by J Grieve Aberdeen A 462
06/1916 owned by W Ellis Grimsby
Registered 24/06/1916
Requisitioned by Admiralty in 1917 for Fishery Reserve, commissioned and flew white ensign; continued commercial fishing under naval control
03/1918 Owned by J Mordaunt
1918 Sold to W. F. Goodwin Grimsby
04/1918 Owned by Record Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
1919 Returned to owners
04/10/1920 Went to Aberdeen – Registry transferred
1923 owned by W Grieve
1943 Owned by J Mackie
1945 Owned by A Robertson A 462

Her Details are
- Official Number 115580
- Yard Number 240
- Call Sign JMVT/MGCT
- GT 199 NT 77
- Dimensions 115.8 x 21.7 x 11.7
- Engines by W V V Lidgewood 3 cylinder 12″,19.5″, 32″ x 22″ 50 HP
Scrapped in 06/1951 at Boness Firth of Forth