Boston Tristar Built 24/05/1960 John Lewis & Sons Ltd Aberdeen for Iago Steam Trawler Co Ltd London as Captain Foley LO 33
03/1972 Became Boston Tristar and registered as GY 210
08/1976 Bought by Colne Shipping Co Ltd Lowestoft
10/1976 Renamed St. Mark and registered as LT327

Her Details are
- Official Number 302523
- Yard Number 294
- GT 434 NT 142
- Dimensions 139.9 x 28.2 x 12.8
- Foc’sle 28
- Engines 6 cylinder 1230hp British Polar
- Call Sign GHFA
Sank following a collision with Vikingbank The vessel was later located off the north Norfolk coast in the vicinity of Cromer