Bempton Built 29/11/1913 Cook Welton & Gemmell Beverley for Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd Hull Registered as H 19
04/1915 Requisitioned as a minesweeper
1919 Returned to commercial fishing
06/03/1936 Bought by Heward Trawlers Ltd London registered LO 192
27/04/1943 Sold to the Kingston Steam Trawling Co Ltd Hull and registered as H 546
07/03/1957 To the Loyal Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby and registered as GY 29
1951 Sold to A Hay Aberdeen and registered as A 673
1958 Sold for scrap to F. & W. Joch Germany
One Incident involving the Bempton, 20 miles SW of the Mizzen Head Ireland the Italian barque Sardomene was makingthe land from West Australia with a cargo of Timber she was being escorted by the Bempton a Submarine managed to get off a shot between the two vessels (Bempton was steaming 1000 yards ahead) and the ship under sail. A massive expolsion ensued and although the Bempton launched a boat she could only rescue 7 survivors in good health with 2 injured and 2 corpses this left 10 men missing

Her Details are
- Official Number 136174
- Yard Number 285
- Admiralty Number FY 1369
- GT 226 NT 87
- Dimensions 115.5 x 22.5 x 12.3
- Engines Amos & Smith 94 NHP 11 knots
Arrived at Hamburg for scrapping on the 07/05/1958