Barry Castle Built 19/09/1933 Smiths Dock Co Ltd South Bank Middlesbrough for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd, Swansea
31/05/1934 In keeping with the ‘football league’ naming policy, the Barry Castle was renamed Manchester City GY 53
01/1940 Bought by the Admiralty in whose service she became HMS Peridot converted to an Anti-submarine Trawler

Her Details are
- Official Number 144004
- Yard Number 958
- Admiralty Number 198 T243
- Call Sign GWMS
- GT 398 NT 151
- Quarter Deck 84 Foc’sle 25
- Dimensions 155 x 26.4 x 12.2
- Engines Amos & Smith 125HP
15/03/1940 Sunk by mine near Dover