Aston Villa Built 08/06/1937 Smiths Dock Co Ltd South Bank Middlesbrough for Consolidated Fisheries Ltd Grimsby
1939 Requisitioned and converted to A/S Joining the 16th A/SStrike Force as Group Leader Based Aberdeen
03/05/1940 Operating off the Norwegian coast the Aston Villa came under fire from enemy aircraft and suffered heavy damage
Such was the extent of the damage that it was deemed inadvisable to attempt a North Sea crossing so the trawler was sunk by fire from our own forces

Her Details are
- Official Number 164431
- Yard Number 1029
- Call Sign GBBT
- Admiralty Number FY 261
- Armament 1 4 inch
- GT 546 NT 196
- Quarter Deck 77 Foc’sle 33
- Dimensions 173.6 x 28.6 x 15
- Engines 99 HP
03/05/1940 Sunk by Aircraft off Norway whilst in Admiralty Service