ALGOMA Built 28/03/1899 by Edwards Bros North Shields for J. & G. Alward Ltd, Grimsby
1908 Purchased by the Admiralty for minesweeper trials
Based at Portland carrying out trials as an Auxiliary minesweeper in company with Auxiliary Minesweeper ICW Andes
1917 Requisitioned for Fishery Reserve commissioned and flew white ensign continued commercial fishing under naval control
1919 Sold to The Spurn Steam Fishing Co Ltd Grimsby
06/1923 Sold to A. Bannister Grimsby
11/1931 Sold to F. Bannister Grimsby
05/1947 Sold to A. Bannister Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 110876
- Yard Number 604
- GT 169 NT 54
- Quarter deck 48 Foc’sle 20
- Dimensions 106 x 21.1 x 11
- Engines 45 HP
Scrapped in 10/1950