Alfredian Built 1913 Cochranes of Selby for WS & GS Letten
Original Name Waldorf GY 927
17/09/1913 Registered as GY 927
05/1915 Requisitioned as a Mine sweeper
04/04/1918 Sold to Rushworth Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
1919 Returned
02/1919 Sold to G W Kelton Aberdeen
15/02/1919 Registered as A 123
10/1922 Sold to A Butt Grimsby
18/10/1922 Registered as GY 202
05/1936 Sold to Loyal Steam Fishing Co Grimsby
06/1936 Renamed Alfredian GY 202
31/05/1940 Requisitioned as an APV
06/1941 Converted to a Minesweeper Based at Lowestoft with M/S Group82
09/1946 Returned
07/1947 Sold to Valentia Steam Fishing Co Grimsby

Her Details are
- Official Number 135971
- Yard Number 560
- Gt 293 NT 132
- Dimensions 133.5 x 23.0 x 12.1
- Quarter Deck 72 Foc’sle 20
- Engines C D Holmes 79rhp 3 cyl 10.5 Knots
1954 Sold to B J Nijkerk Antwerp for Breaking Up