Valeria Built 1898 Cochrane & Cooper Ltd Beverley Original owners Arctic Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby
18/08/1916 Bought by Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co at a cost of £8,000
29/05/1917 Requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve
1919 Returned to owners
01/04/1924 Transferred to Lowestoft
09/01/1925 Registered as LT 156
18/08/1940 Foundered 8 Miles from the Smalls Light Vessel Following Enemy air attack. All Crew saved
12/09/1940 Registry Closed

Her Details are
- Official Number 109813
- Yard Number 205
- GT 189 NT 66
- Dimensions 112.7 x 21 x 11.6
- Quarter deck 27 Foc’sle 22
- Engines 3 cyl 55 NHP C D Holmes & Co Hull
- Call Sign MGQB
Lost 18/08/1940 on passage from Swansea to fishing grounds Bombed by enemy aircraft 035 degrees 8 miles from Smalls All of the nine crew aboard were rescued