Balgownie was built 12/1902 by A Hall of Aberdeen for Balgownie Steam
Fishing Co A 614
1914 Owned by J Lewis & Sons Ltd Aberdeen
07/1916 she went to C Dobson of Healing Grimsby Lincs
1917 Requisitioned into the Fishery Reserve
1919 Returned to owners

Surname | Forenames | Age at Death | Date of Death | Rank | Boat |
WALKER | THOMAS WILLIAM | 16 | 29/09/1919 | Trimmer | Balgownie |
PINNER | JAMES | 17 | 29/09/1919 | Deck Hand | Balgownie |
ROBINSON | CHRISTOPHER | 16 | 29/09/1919 | Steward | Balgownie |
MURPHY | FRANK | 48 | 29/09/1919 | Second Engineer | Balgownie |
HAMMOND | EDWARD | 54 | 29/09/1919 | Second Hand | Balgownie |
WELLS | HAROLD HEMMING | 22 | 29/09/1919 | Third Hand | Balgownie |
GANE | JOSHUA | 59 | 29/09/1919 | Deck Hand | Balgownie |
SMITH | SAMUEL LUDBROOK | 43 | 29/09/1919 | First Engineer | Balgownie |
ROBINSON | THOMAS JAMES | Unknown | 29/09/1919 | Skipper | Balgownie |
MIDDLETON | EDWARD | 45 | 29/09/1919 | Trimmer | Balgownie |
Her Details are
- Official Number 115586
- Yard Number 399
- GT 185 NT 54
- Dimensions 108.4 x 21.2 x 12.3
- Engines Charles D. Holmes 61 HP
Missing since 29/09/1919