Northern Chief Built 04/05/1950 Cochranes & Sons of Selby for Northern Trawlers The manager was John Bennett
01/07/1969 Became part of the B.U.T. livery
27/01/1975 Made her last Landing and Laid up for disposal
24/06/1975 Sold to Blyth Shipbreakers & repairers

Her Details Are
- Official Number 182647
- Yard Number 1354
- GT 692 NT 246
- Dimensions 181.6′ x 31.2 x 14.8
- Quarter Deck 93′ Foc’sle 36′
- Engines Amos & Smith 1100 ihp 3 cyl 12.5 knots
- Funnel Grey with black top separated by white band
Vessel was Scrapped 19/05/1976